Multifunctional forest-pasture management in the Lessinia Mountains, Italy
InnoForESt partner and italian forest experts from the association, "Prosilva Italia", visit a farm with a sustainable approach 11 October 2019 On October 11th, the Italian InnoForESt partners along with Italian forest experts from the association, "Prosilva Italia", visited [...]
InnoForESt participates in “Co-creating the Future of Biodiversity and Natural Capital”
On 19 September 2019 the event, “Co-creating the Future of Biodiversity and Natural Capital”, was held in Brussels, Belgium as a collaboration between the Horizon 2020 project, MAIA, KIP-INCA and the European Commission. The large meeting space was fortunate as [...]
InnoForESt participates in the MAES Working Group
MAES Working Group 18 September 2019 On 18 September 2019, the European Commission DG Environment hosted the second Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services (MAES) stakeholder workshop in Brussels, Belgium. InnoForESt project partner, the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) was in [...]
InnoForESt’s CINA approach expands its audience: CINA lecture @HNEE – 08.05.2019
Sharing our approach to understanding and furthering governance innovations in forest ecosystem services is one of InnoForESt’s core elements. We believe that innovations are not standalone, technological implants. Rather, innovations co-evolve with the contexts, stakeholders and times they are situated [...]
Collective forest ownership: the Spanish approach
The collective ownership of forest in Spain called “Montes de Socios” is a type of private forest where several stakeholders have a percentage of ownership of the land. These forests can be found in rural areas, where the inhabitants [...]
The Swedish forestry model: intensifying production for sustainability?
Sweden is often seen as a frontrunner when it comes to sustainability. For example, it has the highest share of renewable energy in the EU and is known for its thorough recycling and waste separation. Sweden is sparsely populated and [...]
Innovative practices to maintain the potential of forests to store carbon
In June 2019, a feasibility study regarding the carbon storage potential of French soils was released by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). The goal is to evaluate the strategies to be implemented under the Objective 4 per [...]
InnoForESt participates in the MAES Stakeholder Workshop
MAES Stakeholder Workshop 17-18 June 2019 On 17-18 June, the European Commission DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD) hosted the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services (MAES) stakeholder workshop in Brussels, Belgium. InnoForESt project partner, the European Landowners’ Organization [...]
Habitat banking Role board game for Finnish innovation region Turku, Finland
Why we design role board games in innovation regions? InnoForESt innovation regions (conceptualised as social-ecological systems, SES) are characterised by manifold, sometimes diverging uses of forest ecosystem services (FES), such as extraction, recreation, preservation or education. These uses are [...]
InnoForESt takes a trip to Colombia
The Universidad Los Andes and HTW Berlin with their project partners: Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca (AUNAP), Fundación Calidris, Torqeedo, WWF Colombia, with strong support from local communities of the Consejo Comunitario Esfuerzo Pescador in Iscuandé, Nariño are [...]