Deliverable 5.5

Ecosystems Service Governance Navigator & Manual for its Use

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We aim for the Navigator to be a practical tool that should help finding orientation and direction for (forest) ecosystem innovation processes. To that end we provide suggestions for practical application throughout most of the sections.


As a project, InnoForESt was constructed to assist innovations in six different practice contexts. We called these practice contexts ‘Innovation Regions’. This comprised all of the practices, stakeholders, policies, and places that encompass the targeted innovation.

Set of utensils

In this section, we present and briefly explain the heuristics that helped the project to explore and assess the six Innovation Regions.

Glossary of core terms and heuristics

Biophysical and institutional mapping

Social-Ecological-Technical Forestry Innovation Systems (SETFIS)

Stakeholder Analysis

Governance Situation Assessment

Idealised Innovation Process

Innovation Journey reconstruction and use

Stakeholder interaction approach: a set of modes of involvement

In this section, we describe the overall stakeholder interaction strategy for this project, as well as the key platform interaction strategies, such as:

  • General engagement strategy with and among stakeholders;
  • The empirical foundation of all interaction efforts;
  • The CINA strategy articulation workshops;
  • The prototype development and dissemination;
  • The Responsibility Navigator is introduced as a framework for coordinating and collaborating in this project and its innovation platforms.

Provision of a physical & digital platform

Innovation network

Strategic workshops

Constructive Innovation Assessment for strategy articulation

Responsibility Navigator

Additional background and context information

Constructive Innovation Assessment

Role Board Games


How should one deal with this now?

  1. Read the Navigator carefully
  2. Try it out
  3. Get advice from users who already have experience
  4. Use …
  5. … and never lose your practical traction and contact with the stakeholders (this is not pure science!).

References & Appendix with examples