On 22-23 April 2020, the InnoForESt Innovation Region and Work Package partners gathered from their respective home countries to engage in a virtual workshop organized by Work Package 6 (WP6) co-lead FVA.

The ultimate goal for this workshop was to collectively develop recommendations for practitioners, business, and policy makers, which will eventually make up Deliverable 6.3 – A set of policy recommendations for EU wide governance strategy for sustainable forest ecosystem service provisioning and financing.   As the Innovation Regions are at the core of the InnoForESt project, this workshop placed a particular focus on examining achievements and results from a practitioner’s perspective.

During the workshop, the partners discussed their perspectives and identified crosscutting and overarching recommendations. WP6 lead partners (ELO + FVA) will aggregate and systemize the partner’s contributions which will serve as building blocks for Deliverable 6.3 – set of policy and business recommendations for the provision and financing of forest ecosystem services.

Stay tuned in the coming months to learn more about the policy recommendations within Deliverable 6.3.